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What does it mean to be beautiful?

Main Argument:
Beauty idealization in the Media

It is not unusual to see the idealized woman being flaunted in every area of public and private life. Whether it be in advertisements, movies, TV, magazines, billboards, or social media; everyone knows what the ideal woman is supposed to look like. She is young. She is thin. She has perfectly airbrushed skin. She is light skinned. People may not consciously notice, but there is a specific framework within which women are expected to fit. There are movements toward expanding that frameworks, but is it considered improvement when the “plus size models” look like normal, healthy women, and the “naturally beautiful” women are still perfectly airbrushed? It leads women to look at themselves and wonder if they fall under “plus size”. They must wonder if they are considered ugly because they don’t look flawless without makeup on. Women are trained to think that they are valued on the basis of their looks. They are then constantly exposed to images that create an image that is impossible to live up to. The fact that women face these issues on a daily basis causes long term psychological ramifications for the individual and for society as a whole.


The purpose of this website is to explore how the media idealizes beauty, inevitably causing negative psychological ramifications for women around the world. It will also explore the possible solutions to this widespread problem. 

Stakeholder's Forum

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